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Other Training
Our Certified Teachers run courses and workshops throughout the year. Some of these are listed below.
To book online and for further information on the course listed click on the "More info" button.
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Rapier & Cloak - Sundays
Sunday 11th Aug to Sunday 8th Sep 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
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Junior 13 - 16 yr. olds - Summer Intensives
Monday 26th - Friday 30th Aug 2024
9.30am - 5.00pm (London)
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Foundation In Film Fighting - Unarmed 1 - week intensive
Monday 9th to Friday 13th September 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
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Sword & Shield - Sundays
Sunday 15th Sep to Sunday 13th Oct 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
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Unarmed - Monday evenings
Monday 16 Sep - Monday 2nd Dec 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
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Rapier & Dagger - 1 week intensive
Monday 30th Sep - Friday 4th Oct 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
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Unarmed - 1 week intensive
Monday 16 Sep - Monday 2nd Dec 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
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Unarmed - Sundays
Sunday 20th Oct to Sunday 24th Nov 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
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Broadsword - 1 week inensive
Monday 28th Oct - Friday 1st Nov 2024
9.30am - 6.00pm (London)
The Lion (BASSC Annual Workshop)
Sun 3rd November. 4 classes throughout the day
9.30am - 17.30pm
Can't find what you're looking for?  Need a workshop at a later date in the year?   Looking for a different course?  Want more information on courses?  Contact the providers directly by following the links to these organisations for further information on the courses they provide.
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Stage & Screen Combat, Firearms, Stunts, Movement, Fight Direction 

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Stage Fight Scotland

Stage & Screen Combat, Workshops, Fight Choreography, SPACT

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Moving Body Arts

Intimacy, Movement, Fights, Online training

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Acting Action

Theatrical weapon hire, costume, fight choreography, stage combat workshops 

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